Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Milligans

Connor: Age 10
"I like uniforms because they keep you cool
when your'e playing at recess."

Riley: Age 9
"I like uniforms because my favorite color is green."

Griffin: Age 7
"I like uniforms because they have
a cross on it."
Brady: Age 6
"I like uniforms because my brothers like uniforms."

Sunday, November 10, 2013

I conducted a little experiment to see how much it would cost to buy uniforms versus casual clothes for a boy boy around the age of 7. Turns out $21.47 can be saved by purchasing a standard uniform compared to purchasing a pair of jeans and a flannel at The Children's Place. This is the reason uniforms are mom's best friends!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Uniforms in the military

My good friend Matt attends Camden Military Academy. Obviously as a military school they are required to wear military uniforms every day.
Professional settings such as the military utilize uniforms because of the serious attitude that it creates. Similarly, students would be put in the same mindset at school when they are dressed in uniform.
This is an example of what Matt wears to class everyday.
Matt has reported that they are trained to respect their uniforms
and disciplined when they mistreat their uniforms. Because of this
he has a more serious attitude when he is in uniform, helping him to focus on
his work.

Case study of Long Beach, CA High School

One school with a uniform policy is Long Beach High School, who has seen improvements in their school after adopting uniforms in 1999.
The graph above represents the relationship between school uniforms and violent offenses at Long Beach High School. Dramatic changes were seen in the students' behavior once uniforms were put into action. Rates of vandalism decreased, which saved the school from spending thousands of dollars on repairing damaged property.
Also, since sex offenses and the overall crime rate dropped, the school became safer resulting in a better environment. With a better environment, student's behavior progressed which led to a decrease of school suspensions.
As indicated in this graph, it is clear that this high school has improved in many areas due to school uniforms.

Becoming more professional

"Schools report that when students dress in 'work clothes' rather than 'play clothes' they take a more serious approach to their studies" (Mallet par. 1)
In this picture my friends KJ and Erin and I are dressed in formal attire for a DECA competition, which is an organization that consists of applying principles of business and marketing.
In order to compete in the competition a dress or dress pants with a blazer is required. For boys, a suit, tie, and blazer is required.
You are also required to wear the business attire to school. With Mallard Creek's DECA chapter consisting of over 200 members, the school is full of students wearing professional clothing on the day of the competition.
That day I noticed a different atmosphere in my classes. It was as if everyone was more subdued and serious because of their clothing. This is the exact reason professionals wear formal attire to work and special occasions.

My experience in school uniforms

Yes, that is me bottom left.....
I know, cutest kid you've ever seen right?
I attended Nathaniel Alexander Elementary for Kindergarten and was then rezoned to another school for the rest of my elementary school years. I was very young at the time so I cannot give a very detailed explanation of my experience in uniforms; however, what I can testify is that at age 6 I did not think anything of the uniforms.
I was perfectly fine with wearing the khaki shorts and white or navy shirt every day. In my little 6-year old mind I did not see the differences between me and the other kids because it was as if I was color-blind. My eyes saw only khaki, blue and white, not black, white, rich, or poor. We were all leveled onto the same playing field. I didn't worry about who had the coolest shoes, I only worried about what I would be having for lunch that day.
I thought that every kid on the planet wore uniforms and that uniforms were completely normal, until I went to Mallard Creek Elementary where we didn't have uniforms. At that age your mom is the one that pays for all your clothes and dresses you every morning, and I remember getting into fights with her some mornings about outfits that she picked out for me.
Fashion becomes a bigger deal as we become older, and I wish that I could have continued to go to a school with uniforms. I think it would have been interesting to see how I would have become different as a person.
I think we ALL would have become different people if all kids were required to have school uniforms. We wouldn't have placed our values so much on how we looked and we could have spent our time paying attention to more important things, like personality and character.
People are always advocating for the anti-bullying cause, however no changes are ever made to reduce bullying. Uniforms would be one step towards tackling bullying since there would be one less thing to get made fun of.

Result from school survey: Getting ready in morning

The greatest percentage of kids reported that they spend at least eight minutes or more getting their outfits ready in the morning.
As a girl I can't even count the amount of times I have had to change outfits in the morning, causing me to almost be late for school. I have known of other girls as well as some boys that are just as indecisive as me that actually wake up earlier just to plan their outfits.
It would be so much easier and more time efficient to have our outfits already planned out for us every day! Uniforms would eliminate the stress of trying to look cute for school and would save us so much more time.